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家电 - 电视机 - 国外 - 松下 - 浏览家电
发布日期:2013-3-22 9:35:34 作者: 出处: 浏览:545 人次 【

Typical Application 00882203 *Required if regulator is located far from power supply filter. **COUT must be at least 22 μF to maintain stability. May be increased without bound to maintain regulation during transients. Locate as close as possible to the regulator. This capacitor must be rated over the same operating temperature range as the regulator and the ESR is critical; see curve. Ordering Information Temperature Range Output Voltage Package 5.0 8.0 9.0 10 12 15 0°C ≤ TJ ≤ 125°C LM2940CT-5.0 LM2940CT-9.0 LM2940CT-12 LM2940CT-15 TO-220 LM2940CS-5.0 LM2940CS-9.0 LM2940CS-12 LM2940CS-15 TO-263 −40°C ≤ TJ ≤ 125°C LM2940LD-5.0 LM2940LD-8.0 LM2940LD-9.0 LM2940LD-10 LM2940LD-12 LM2940LD-15 LLP 1k Units Tape and Reel LM2940LDX-5.0 LM2940LDX-8.0 LM2940LDX-9.0 LM2940LDX-10 LM2940LDX-12 LM2940LDX-15 LLP 4.5k Units Tape and Reel −40°C ≤ TJ ≤ 125°C LM2940T-5.0 LM2940T-8.0 LM2940T-9.0 LM2940T-10 LM2940T-12 TO-220 LM2940S-5.0 LM2940S-8.0 LM2940S-9.0 LM2940S-10 LM2940S-12 TO-263 −40°C ≤ TJ ≤ 85°C LM2940IMP-5.0 LM2940IMP-8.0 LM2940IMP-9.0 LM2940IMP-10 LM2940IMP-12 LM2940IMP-15 SOT-223 LM2940IMPX-5.0 LM2940IMPX-8.0 LM2940IMPX-9.0 LM2940IMPX-10 LM2940IMPX-12 LM2940IMPX-15 SOT-223 in Tape and Reel SOT-223 Package Marking L53B L54B L0EB L55B L56B L70B The physical size of the SOT-223 is too small to contain the full device part number. The package markings indicated are what will appear on the actual device.
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