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游戏 - 家用机游戏 - Wii - Wii攻略 - 浏览游戏
发布日期:2013/4/10 8:55:40 作者: 出处: 浏览:2574 人次 【

游戏制作:AWE Games
游戏发行:The Adventure Company


推理小说的天后非英国推理小说家阿加莎•克里斯蒂(Agatha Christie)莫属,她的姓氏克里斯蒂,已成为最畅销、最富魅力的侦探小说的代名词,由她所创造的比利时私家侦探赫丘里•白罗,是人气经久不衰的神探之一,她的每一部侦探小说,都以其圆滑诡谲的布局,曲折悬疑的过程受到读者的热爱,因此,不少制片家纷纷将她的小说改编制作成电影,如《东方快车谋杀案》,《尼罗河谋杀案》等等,但在她所有的作品中,又数《And Then There Were None》最为经典,在Amazon网上有关此书的评论近五百则,几乎人人都给出了五星级的高分,可见此书魅力之大,不分国界。此书的情节布置让你无时无刻不感受到警张刺激,推理的魅力也让你沈浸其中,在这次的E3大展中,Adventure Company公司公布了根据阿加莎•克里斯蒂的推理颠峰之作-《And Then There Were None》改编的一款同名惊悚冒险游戏。

《And Then There Were None》采用了第三人称视角,游戏将由翍名设计师李•谢尔登(Lee Sheldon)负责设计,游戏以小说剧情为架构,一首纯真的童谣,竟成为恐怖杀人的诅咒,十个素昧平生且特质各异的年轻人,竟受到神秘欧文先生的盛邀,来到一座荒岛的豪宅度假,晚宴期间,神秘的主人并未现身,直至用餐结束,空中传来一阵诡异的人声,原来是豪宅的主人用录好的录音指控在场的每个人都隐藏着一宗深恶的罪孽,并告诉他们全部都要死,所有人同外界的联系都被切断,他们只能呆在岛上,与外界隔绝,而一个隐形杀手藏匿其后,这十个人能逃过劫难吗?亦或他们真的该死?游戏对于小说角色的设置作了一些修改,除了保留书中十位性格迥异的年轻人外,还新增了一位由玩家扮演的船长,似乎玩家一向充当的都是英雄的角色,你将陪伴这十名年轻人走完整个故事情节,从一开始,带领他们来到小岛,到后来如何拯救他们,都将是你需经历的,在游戏中,人性相互猜疑的本性曝露无疑,随着一个个年轻人的死去,幸寸者人人自危,仿若惊弓之鸟,互相怀疑对方是凶手,而事情正朝着诡异凶手预先设计好的谋杀陷阱迈进。


游戏中的重头戏是解谜,设计了20个不同特色的难题,这可不同于其它游戏中的解谜游戏,有可能会有时间限定,如果你不能快速解答,那么被凶手盯上的受害人就会被杀害,收集线索,寻找钥匙等冒险游戏的常见元素在游戏中依然存在,游戏将真实浮现玩家内心惊心动魄的一面,任何惊骇的事件都会让你感到毛骨悚然,即便如此,你仍的尽可能的尝试避免死亡。此外,游戏的结局并不是唯一,而决定游戏结局的关键在于你在游戏进程的表现,例如:同十名受害人的互动,解救他们的方式等等。在互动方面,游戏加入了怀疑度的设计,同不同的受害人交谈,怀疑度的高低可以从对话中看出,游戏中的推理设计倾向高明,技巧特别的难题,以次来增加游戏的可玩性和乐趣性,因此,解决难题需要多加思考,而解决的手法也要别出心裁。游戏中的人物都有其各自的房间,白天他们会四处寻找线索,在每天晚上吃晚餐的时候,剩余的人员会讨论他们所发现的线索,“我们很骄傲的呈现阿加莎•克里斯蒂的作品,她的写作能够成为一款出色的冒险游戏,强调压迫力,心理学的相互作用。”史考特•尼克松(Scott Nixon)说。





  Agatha Christie
  And Then There Were None
  by AWE Games
  Walkthrough by MaGtRo October 2005 version 1.02

  Gameplay: This point and click game comes in 2 CDs. After installation the game can be played with no CD on the CD drive. The Main Menu has New Game, Load Game, Options, Credits and Exit. The Options Menu has music, effects, brightness, captions, shadows, animated water, fog, rain-lightning and anti-aliasing settings selections. The In-Game Menu has resume, save, load, options and main menu selections. To save at the save game screen, select an empty frame to save a new game or click on a picture to overwrite that saved game. The saved game can be titled by typing in a name left of the saved frame. The cursors are self-explanatory by the icons seen. The ESC key accesses the in-game menu.

  Right click of mouse or click on the sack at top left of screen will access the inventory. Right click again will close the inventory frame. The inventory is made up of 5 screens that can be scrolled using the top arrows on the frame. To look close at an item, click on the item and bring the item over the magnifying glass at the bottom of the inventory frame. The gear button right of the magnifying glass combines items by placing the items on the row above the gears and then do a click on the gear icon. Combined items can also be disassembled by doing the same procedure or click the item directly on the gear icon.

  To the top right of the screen is the journal icon. The journal has general information, guests, documents and books. Documents or books taken in inventory are entered in the journal by clicking the documents or books on the magnifying lens icon. The pertinent information is summarized in the journal.

  The ESC key skips the intro and cutscenes. Double click makes Narracott runs.
  Judge Lawrence Judge Wargrave Lawrence Wargrave法官与一对母子坐在私人车厢里is seen with a mother and child in a private car. Vera Claythorne Vera Claythorne 与Phillip Lombard相对而坐。is sitting across Phillip Lombard. General John Mackenzie John Mackenzie将军从梦中醒来,梦见了他的妻子Leslie。wakes up from a dream about his wife, Leslie. 他对面坐着的是Emily Brent小姐。Across him is Miss Emily Brent. Anthony Marston passes Dr. Edward Armstrong's car and stops to take a packet from a man at a side of the road. Anthony Marston超过Edward医生的车并停在路边向一人拿走一个小包裹。Back at the train, William Blore reads his checklist.回到火车上,William Blore在读他的清单 At the dock, Davis the harbormaster greets the guests after the arrival of Marston. 在码头上,码头管理员Davis在Marston抵达之后向众宾客问好 Blore recognizes Patrick Narracott.Blore认出了Patrick Narracott。 Thomas Rogers and his wife Ethel await the guests arriving on the boat.Thomas Rogers及妻子在恭候众宾客上船。

  Note: This game is non-linear and most side puzzles can be done anytime as long as the items necessary have been acquired. This walkthrough shows only one way of gameplay and the triggers to move to the next chapter.

  Chapter 1

  Ten Little Sailor Boys went out to dine,
  One choked his self and then there were nine.
  Read the journal by clicking the top right journal icon.
  First Night - Familiarize with the mansion:
  Rogers thanks Narracott for the help. 尝试走向左方小径但这尝试必须以后才能实行Try to take the left path but the investigation will have to wait. 回到码头点击小船,发现小船被凿沉。 Go back down to the pier and click on the boat. See that the boat was scuttled.

  Southside cliff path悬崖南侧小径 – 回头转到台阶左侧的小径遇到Marston,与之交谈并注意他手里拿着的东西。再回去公寓与Roger交谈。Go back up, turn left on the path after the steps and meet Marston. Talk with Marston and note what he is holding. Turn back to go back to the mansion and talk to Rogers.

  Kitchen厨房 - Enter the mansion and follow Rogers to the kitchen. Enter the dining room and then through the kitchen door. Hear an argument between Rogers and Ethel Rogers. Talk to Rogers. Look close at the press right of Rogers.看roger右边的东西 Exit through the door right of the refrigerator.从冰箱右边的门离开

  Rogers' roomroger的房间 - Enter the door in the hallway. 进入走廊上的门Take the letter for Rogers, the sewing needles and Roger's letter of invitation. 拿走roger的信,缝纽用的针、邀请信In inventory, 在仓库中把邀请信用放大模式观看并点击它至日志栏。take the letter of invitation and click it on the magnifying lens to enter it on the journal. 同样处理Roger的信。Do the same for the letter to Rogers. 在日志栏阅读来自U.N.Owen的信。Read the letters from U. N. Owen in the journal. 检查浴室You can check the bathroom also. Exit and take the service stairs.离开并走向佣人楼梯。

  This map is for location reference only and is not to scale.

  Linen closet 亚麻壁橱- 与Rogers太太交谈,捡起绸布。离开佣人房检查二楼的房间。注意所有的时钟都不走了Talk to Mrs. Rogers. Help Mrs. Rogers with the silk sheets. Exit the service room and check the rooms around the second floor. Note that all the clocks in all the rooms do not work.

  Dr. Armstrong's roomArmstrong医生房间 – 佣人门左转进入盥洗室左侧的房间。拿走Armstrong医生的邀请信,放大阅读使之记入日志。查看梳妆台上医生的手提包。Turn left from the service door and enter the room left of the bathroom. Take Dr. Armstrong's letter of invitation. Click it on the magnifying lens to enter it in the journal. Look inside the doctor's bag on the dresser.

  Blore's room Blore房间- 拿走邀请信并记入日志,试图拿走床头的日志但被Blore阻止。与之交谈,说明我是Patrick Faine并非Fred,正在调查Prucell受贿案,在Landor案后人们开始质疑,说Purcells就是通常所说的替罪羊。Take Blore's letter of invitation and enter it in the journal. Try to take the diary on the bedside table and get stopped by Blore. Talk to Blore. I'm Patrick Faine not Fred. You were taking the Purcell's bribes for years. After the Landor case people began to ask questions. The Purcells needed what the yank detective novels call a fall guy.

  Lombard's roomLombard房间 – 透过钥匙孔看到Lombard带了一把枪。敲门并与之交谈。Look through the keyhole and see Lombard with a gun. Knock on door and talk to Lombard.

  Vera Claythorne's room Vera Claythorne房间- 与之交谈。Talk to Vera.

  Emily Brent's room Emily Brent房间- 与之交谈。Talk to Emily Brent.

  General Mackenzie's roomMarckenzie将军房间 – 与将军交谈。下楼至游戏厅Talk to the General. Go downstairs to the game room.

  Game room游戏厅 – 聆听Wargrave法官与医生之间的对话。晚饭铃声响起。Listen to the conversation between Judge Wargrave and the doctor. Dinner bell is heard.

  Search the mansion:

  Kitchen厨房 –偷听餐厅里的谈话。拿走桌上的铜制水果栏 Eavesdrop through the dining room door and note the conversation. Take the copper fruit basket from the table.

  Pantry 餐具室-进右门到餐具室。拿走火鸡油、粗布里的干酪饼和铲子。用铲子取面粉。再用铲子取电池。从冰箱右侧门离开厨房走向佣人楼梯。Go to the pantry right of door to the outside. Take turkey baster, cheese wheel covered in cheesecloth and scoop. Use the scoop on flour sack to get flour. Use the scoop on flour sack again to get battery. Exit the kitchen using the door right of the refrigerator and climb the service stairs.

  Linen closet 亚麻壁橱- 拿走绸布Take silk sheet from linen closet.

  Marston's roomMarston房间 – 取走梳妆台上的密码条并放大观察。取走床头右侧有狮像的抽屉柜里的解码。取走邀请信并写入日志Take the coded message from the dresser and look close at it using the magnifying lens. Take the code-breaking cypher from drawer right of the bed with lion statue. Take the Marston letter of invitation and enter it in the journal.

  General's room 将军房间- 取走邀请信并写入日志。观察床边照片Take Mackenzie's letter of invitation and enter it in journal. Look close at picture beside the bed.

  Emily Brent's room Emily Brent房间- 取走邀请信并写入日志。取走King James圣经。观察化妆包里的东西。从盥洗室离开Take Brent's letter of invitation and enter it in journal. Take the King James Bible. Look at the contents of the makeup case. Exit through the bathroom door.

  Emily and Vera's bathroom Emily和Vera的盥洗室- 查看桌面并取走过敏药单并写入日志。取走桌与墙之间的旧水管颈。从旁边的门离开Check the table and take the medical alert card. Read it in inventory. Take the stem to an old pipe wedged between the wall and the table. Enter the room next door.

  Vera's roomVera房间 –观察床头熊钟,也停止不走。打开边桌上的化妆包。取走新闻剪报并写入日志。查看梳妆台及墙上的画像。取走邀请信并写入日志。从天井门离开,取走鹰角的望远镜和金属三脚架。进入旁边房间 Look at the bear clock on the table beside the bed. It is not working as all the clocks in the whole mansion are. Open the makeup case on the side table. Take the newspaper clipping and enter it in the journal. Look at the picture on the dresser and on the wall. Take Vera's letter of invitation and enter it in journal.

  Exit through the patio door. Take the telescope and metal tripod at the corner beside the hawk. Enter the next room.

  Lombard's room Lombard房间- 取走邀请信并写入日志。Take Lombard's letter of invitation and enter it in journal.

  Blore's roomBlore房间 – 取走日记并写入日志。Take the diary and enter it in the journal.

  Judge Wargrave's room Wargrave法官房间- 取走梳妆台上烟草袋和烟斗。取走邀请信并写入日志。Take the tobacco pouch and pipe bowl from dresser. Take Wargrave's letter of invitation and enter it in journal.

  阅读日志里的所有信息。下楼取走大门左侧的熊头手杖。再次偷听餐厅里的谈话。Read everything entered in journal. Go downstairs and take the bear walking stick on stand left of main door. Eavesdrop on dining room door again.

  The accusations:指控

  聆听神秘主人的演说,内容是控诉除Narracott之外所有人的罪状。Rogers太太昏倒。从Armstrong医生房间拿医生手提包。可从主梯天井后去Roger房间并把手提包给医生。Listen to the absent host's speech accusing all the characters except Narracott. Mrs. Rogers faints. Get doctor's bag from Dr. Armstrong's room upstairs. Go to Rogers' room that can be accessed through door behind the main stairwell and give the bag to Dr. Armstrong.

  Parlor 会客厅- 聆听众宾客对于指控的辩解。医生宣布Rogers太太已镇静下来,与所有九个人充分交谈。去Mrs.Rogers太太卧室查看,发现她的双腿在颤抖。去休息室查看留声机并取走唱片。尽可能在工具库里查看唱片信息。Listen to the discussion of the accusations. Dr. Armstrong reports that Mrs. Rogers is sedated. Talk to all 9 characters in the parlor completely. Check on Mrs. Rogers in her bedroom. Her feet are twitching. Go to the gramophone at the foyer and take the record. If possible, look at record in inventory.

  Marston chokes:Marston窒息

  聆听下一轮辩解。Marston呛着窒息或者是被下毒了。与会客厅里所有人再次交谈。Listen to next discussion. Marston chokes to death or is poisoned. Talk to all the characters in the parlor again.

  Chapter 2

  Nine Little Sailor boys sat up very late:
  One overslept himself and then there were eight
  Do some sleuthing:调查一番

  Parlor会客厅 – 查看并点击壁炉上方的十个航海小人的歌谣。取走火柴。查看窗边的收音机。查看吧台,取走三个酒杯、Marston的酒杯和调酒杯。Look close at and click on the Ten Little Sailor Boys rhyme on top of the fireplace. Take the matches from the mantle. Look close at radio by the window. Look close at the liquor table behind the couch. Take 3 glasses, Marston's glass and cocktail shaker.

  Study书房 – 进入书房。查看墙上的地图并点击Shipwreck Island。Enter the door to study. Look close on map on wall and click on Shipwreck Island.

  Books书籍 – 查看门左侧的书架发现Wargrave法官在法律书里。取走三本书并写入日志,并阅读。查看地图右侧的画像。Look at bookcase left of door and see Judge Wargrave on Justice book. Take the Birding on Devon Shores book on the next left bookcase. Take the book on chair, A History of the South Devon Coast and the book on table under the map, A diary. Enter the 3 books on the journal and then read the journal. Look close at the picture right of the map of the former owners of the mansion.

  Desk书桌 – 取走台灯。从中间抽屉取走透明胶带。从右边抽屉取走印泥和印章。从右下抽屉取走小岛地图。阅读帮助卡片。在工具栏里研究小岛地图。左边抽屉是锁住的。Go to the desk and take the desk lamp with bulb. Take the sellotape from middle drawer and the inkpad and inkstamp from top side drawer. Take the map of the island the card at bottom side drawer. The top left drawer is locked. Read the powerful friends card - Powerful Friends: Want to shine light on the matter? Flowery speeches may win you a few friends. Study the map in inventory - note the different places. Place cursor above desk to exit close up.

  Gramophone at Foyer大厅里的留声机 – 取走唱片,在工具栏里观察。翻面发现“再见”标签,在留声机里播放此面。然后打开留声机侧面取出两个电子管。Take the record from the gramophone. Look close at record in inventory. Turn the record and see a label of 'goodbye'. Play the goodbye part on the gramophone by placing the record on the gramophone and clicking on the flip switch. After listening to the host's game explanation, click on side panel and take large vacuum tube UX-201A and small vacuum tube 807-H.

  Dining room餐厅 –取走油画下餐桌最上层的手电筒。 Take the flashlight on top drawer of the table under the painting.

  Upstairs楼上 – 没有光线。在工具栏里将手电筒和电池组合。检查每个房间,发现General, Dr. Armstrong, Lombard and Emily Brent 在床上熟睡。回到原来休息处睡觉。It's too dark to search upstairs. In inventory, combine the flashlight taken from dining room drawer and the battery from the flour sack by placing the battery and flashlight on area above the gear icon. Click gear icon to combine the 2 items to make flashlight with batteries.

  Climb the stairs and check each room. Click on the General, Dr. Armstrong, Lombard and Emily Brent in bed. It's getting to be morning, best to get back to bed.

  Mrs. Rogers overslept:

  Dining Room餐厅 – 进入餐厅并聆听早餐交谈。知道Rogers太太死讯。Emily Brent坚持要喝苹果汁。与每个人交谈。给将军熊头手杖并与他交谈关于Lombard的情况。找到逃生的路或者制作信号火光。Enter the dining room and listen to the breakfast discussion. Learn about Mrs. Rogers. Emily Brent still insists on her promised apple juice. Talk to everybody. Give the bear walking stick to the General and talk to him again about Lombard. Find a way to get off the island or make a signal fire.

  Chapter 3

  Eight Little Sailor Boys traveling to Devon
  One said he'd stay there and then there were seven.
  查看餐桌上的水手雕像。Look close at the sailor boys on the dining room table.

  Roam outside:小岛漫步

  Game room 游戏室- 去游戏室偷听法官和医生的讨论。与他们交谈。发现放映室的门被锁。Go to Game room and overhear the Doctor and Judge's discussion. Talk to Judge and Doctor. The door to the screening room is locked.

  从前门离开大厦,与Emily Brent交谈。下台阶走向左侧小径。Exit the mansion through the front door and talk to Emily Brent. Go down the steps and take the left path.

  Shed小棚 – 前进两次进入小棚。尝试取走斧子。取走铲子、灯、卡片。阅读卡片。向下走出画面取走桶和梯子。查看发电机。Go forward twice and enter the shed. Try to take the axe. Take the shovel, lamp and the card. Read the card - Empty promises: Dark memories haunting you? The fuel for pleasant thoughts must be found before all lie in ruins. Go down of screen and take bucket and ladder. Look close at generator.

  Garden花园 – 走花园右侧的小径。取走泵旁的水管。用桶在泵中取得装满水的桶。向左走,前进再向左回到大厦前。Take the right path around the garden. Take the garden hose close to the pump. Click the bucket on pump to get a bucket full of water. Go left, forward and left to get back to the front part of the mansion.

  Southside cliff path悬崖南侧小径 – 查看小岛地图。到画面底部向左转。遇到Blore和Lombard并与他们交谈。Lombard交出降落伞计划,阅读一下。前进点击Shiprock 处并发现这是全岛制高点。Look at the map of the island in inventory. Go to bottom of screen and take the left path that surrounds the island. Meet and talk to Blore and Lombard. Lombard gives a parachute plan. Read the parachute plan in journal.

  Go forward and click on Shiprock Point and note that it is the highest point in the island.

  Beach海滩 – 向前向左来到海滩。向左与将军交谈。点击画面底部两次查看隐藏的海滩部分。回去上小径。向右转两次登上Shiprock点。Go forward and go left to the beach. Go left and talk to the General. Click at bottom of screen twice to go to the secluded part of the beach where the waves are crashing with particular violence. Go back and up to the path. Take the right path twice to go up to Shiprock Point.

  Shiprock Point Shiprock点- 与Vera交谈。离开并在十字路口向上,向左的小径直接通往书房门。Talk to Vera. Exit the point area and take the path going up at the crossroad. The path to the left leads directly to the study door of the mansion.

  Apiary 蜂房- 前进到蜂房。取走发酵的苹果。查看蜂箱。前进左转。右转的小径回到大厦。Go forward 5xs to get to the apiary. Take the fermented apples. Look at the beehive. Go forward and take the left path. The right path goes back to the mansion.

  Orchard果园 – 观察小径两侧的苹果树。将梯子架在右侧苹果树下,取得新鲜苹果。左转在分岔口走右上角的小径。Look at the apples on both side of the path. Place the ladder under the apples on the right side. Click on apples to get fresh apples. Go left and take the top right path on the split in the path.

  Billy goat雄山羊 – 观察向日葵再前进遇到Billy Goat先生。他拦住路。点击装满水的水桶让水流出,可以前进了——他只是口渴了。左转到村庄废墟。Look at the sunflowers then go forward to meet Mr. Billy Goat. Click on Billy and he won't let you pass. Click the bucket of water on the water trough. There you go - he was just thirsty. Go left to the ruined village.

  Ruined village 1村庄废墟1 – 查看每间房屋。取走第一间屋里的煤气罐。取走第二间屋里的山羊皮线。离开村庄前进直到道路分岔。走右下角小径发现被刺丛挡住。还有2只饥饿的山羊。Check all the houses. Take the gas can from the first house. Take the leather goat harness from the second house. Exit the ruined village and go forward until the split in the road. Take the bottom right path and see that the path is blocked by thorny thicket. There are 2 hungry goats there.

  走回大厦,直走直到蜂房前的分岔口。向右转。点击风车。看到石头墙后向左转。向左走到书房门口。右转的道路通往Shiprock处。Go back to the mansion by going forward until the split in the road in front of the apiary. Take the right path. Click on the windmill. Take the left path after emerging from the rock wall. Go left to get to the study door. The right path goes to Shiprock Point. Enter the door to the study.

  Study - Secret room - Bookcase at far wall书房 - 密室 - 远墙的书柜 – 书桌左侧的书柜,从中间书柜取出三本错误摆放的书 - 上层暗红色、中层浅色及三层浅红色。可以读也可以不读。根据颜色把它们放回去 - 浅红色放上层,暗红色中层,浅色下层,会听到声音。Go to the bookcase left of the desk. Take the 3 misplaced books on the shelves of the middle bookcase - dark red book at top, light colored book in middle and light red book at third shelf. Read them if you want - not necessary. Place the 3 books back in their proper places based on the color - light red book (Panama Locks) on top shelf, dark red (South Sea Island) at second shelf and the light colored one (Florida Keys) on third shelf. Hear a click when you place the correct book at the correct place.

  Admiralty area:海军部

  Radio room电报室 – 进入密室。取走并阅读椅子上的谈话卡。查看海报。查看短波收音机并注意灯口及电线。取走面板上的电子管Enter the secret room. Take and read the talk card from the chair - Talk is cheap: And rumours can be ugly. Keep your secrets safe. Look close at poster - Rule Britannia! Britannia - rule the waves. Look close at shortwave radio and note the slots for lamps and the power cord. Take the 305GT vacuum tube from the panel.

  Safe保险箱 - Look close at safe.观察保险箱

  记住法官关于Marston的陈述,Marston的可疑行为及从他房间得到的两张纸。Remember the statement by the judge concerning Marston, Marston's suspicious acts and the 2 papers taken from Marston's room.

  把密码纸、译码纸及King James圣经组合成破译的信息。观察并写入日志。阅读信息并发现救生圈上的归航信标及保险箱。Combine the coded message, the code breaking cypher and the King James Bible taken from Emily Brent's room to get decoded message. Enter the decoded message on journal by clicking it on the magnifying glass. Read the decoded message and note the homing beacon on buoy and the combination to the safe.

  储存游戏。将箭头左转到28在上箭头下,右转箭头至到11再左转至49。听到声音就可以打开保险箱。如出错重读记录。Save game here. Open the safe by clicking left arrow to get 28 to be under the top arrow, right arrow to 11 and left arrow to 49. Hear a click and then click on safe handle. If mistake is done, go back to saved game.

  Safe Room救生室 – 取走橡皮筏。点击抽屉右侧墙面发现拼板。Take the rubber raft. Click on wall right of drawers and note a sliding panel.

  Drawers 抽屉- 观察抽屉并两次点击E打开抽屉,取走黑耳环,点击H取走文件碎片,点击S取走麦克风,点击V取走船卡。阅读船卡。Look close at drawers and open (click twice on) E to get raven earring, H to get document piece, S to get microphone and V to get boat card. Read boat card - Row your boat - Gently down the stream. Unless it's a fishing boat and the sea is mean.

  Anagram sliding panel puzzle拼板字谜- 组成常用短语。Rule the Waves,打开面板Form a known phrase. Arrange the drawers by clicking on 2 drawers you want to change positions. The drawers will interchange position. Form a known Admiralty phrase - Rule the Waves. The panel opens.

  Grotto洞穴 – 进入秘门打开灯光。前进。右转查看一个潜水员。取走推进器。回头转到另一方,查看门右侧的桶,取走浆。Enter the secret door and flip the switch to get light. Go forward to the grotto. Go to the right and look at the one man submersible. Take the propeller. Go back and take the other metal bridge to the other side of the grotto. Look close at the barrels right of door. Take oars.

  Underground passageway地下出口 – 进入门。取走钳子。查看地板痕迹。用铲子铲活动地板。取走气泵。在地下通道的尽头发现门很快被锁上。回到洞穴。Enter the door. Take the pliers on ground in front of the out of place panel on opposite wall. You might need to move Narracott to get him out of the way. Click on panel and enter. Look at indentation on the ground. Use shovel on the active ground. Take the air pump. Go down to the end of the underground passageway and see that the door is locked fast. Go back to the grotto.

  Paddle to get off the island划浆离开小岛 – 去洞穴并将橡皮筏充气。Go to the grotto and inflate the rubber raft.

  在工具栏将橡皮筏、气泵和浆组合。将组合后的船放在靠近洞穴和海洋入口的金属走道前的水面上In inventory, combine the rubber raft, air pump and oars. Place the inflated rubber raft with oars on the water in front of the metal walkway close to the opening to the grotto and sea.

  Ruined village 2村庄废墟2 – 点击村庄废墟另一边远处的房屋 - 这就是雄山羊身后的区域。到最近的房屋中打开木箱。取走渔网。离开并走到房屋左侧。取走凯尔特十字架旁的骨卡并阅读。通过悬崖边防风门回到地下通道。回到大厦。Click on the far houses on the other side of the ruined village - that is the area after Mr. Billy Goat. Go to the closest house and open the wood box. Take the fishing net. Exit the house and go to the left of the house. Take the Bones card by the Celtic cross. Read the card - Old Bones: Are left undisturbed. Not new bones however, if you're game. Go back to the underground passageway by entering the storm door by cliffside. Go back to the mansion.

  Game room游戏室- 取走桌上的骰子-只有在得到骨片后才看得到。观察并分解成书桌钥匙Take the dice box on the table - this is seen only after getting the Bones card. Click the dice box on the gear icon in inventory and get desk key.

  Study书房 – 打开抽屉。得到养蜂手册并写入日志。阅读并习得如何制作烟薰。Go to the desk and use desk key on left drawer. Take the bee book and enter it on the journal. Read the journal to learn how to make a smoker.

  Get honey: 得到蜂蜜(非破关必需步骤) (not necessary for completion of game)

  去蜂房,制作烟薰。Go to apiary. Make a smoker based on the bee book.

  在工具栏将烟袋分解成空袋和烟草In inventory, click tobacco pouch on gear to disassemble it to empty pouch and tobacco.

  组合烟草与防风灯为烟灯Combine hurricane lamp and tobacco to get lamp with tobacco.

  组合烟灯与软管为未燃烟薰Combine lamp with tobacco with garden hose to get unlit smoker.

  组合未燃烟薰与火柴为临时烟薰Combine unlit smoker and matches to get makeshift smoker.

  使用在蜂箱上,当蜜蜂昏睡后打开蜂箱。Use makeshift smoker on a beehive. Open beehive when they are now asleep.

  取出蜂巢Take a honeycomb frame.

  组合蜂巢与调酒杯得到装满蜂蜜的调酒杯Combine honeycomb frame with cocktail shaker to get cocktail shaker filled with honey.

  组合调酒杯与玻璃杯得到一杯蜂蜜Combine cocktail shaker with a glass to get a glass with honey.

  Upstairs in the mansion -

  Check for fingerprints:采集指纹(非破关必需步骤) (not necessary for completion of game)

  制作指纹检验工具-在工具栏组合火鸡油与面粉得到有油的面粉。将之涂于可能有指纹的器物上,干后用透明胶得到指纹Make a finger print testing tool - In inventory, combine turkey baster and flour to get turkey baster with flour. Use the turkey baster with flour on items that might have fingerprints. Once the flour is applied. Use the sellotape to get the finger print.

  从Marston用过的玻璃杯上采集指纹。Use the turkey baster with flour on Marston's glass in inventory. Use sellotape on floured glass to get print taken from Marston's glass.

  上楼在医生手提包上提取医生的指纹Go upstairs and do this procedure on the doctor's bag in Dr. Armstrong's room. Get reference print for Dr. Armstrong.

  在Emily和Vera化妆包上提取指纹。Do the same for the makeup kits of Emily Brent and Vera in their rooms. Get reference print for Vera Claythorne and Emily Brent.

  在Marston房间手提箱把手上提取指纹。Do the same on the handle of Marston's attachécase in Marston's room to get Marston's reference print.

  在工具栏里将所有指纹对照。In inventory, combine a character's reference print with that of the print from Marston's glass.

  See that only Marston's print is a match.

  到厨房与Rogers交谈。Talk to Rogers in the kitchen.

  Kitchen -

  Fruit press榨汁 – 在工具栏分解成干酪和干酪巾In inventory, separate the cheese and the cheesecloth.

  把干酪巾放在榨汁桶上Place cheesecloth on press bucket.

  将苹果放在上面Place apple on bucket with cheesecloth.

  在喷嘴前放玻璃杯Place glass in front of spout.

  在榨汁机上放推进器Place the propeller on press.

  点击榨汁机得到新鲜苹果汁Click on press to get fresh apple juice.

  同样步骤用于发酵苹果得到苹果酒Now do the same for the fermented apples to get glass of apple cider.

  离开厨房到花园。到木棚与Blore与Lambard交谈。与在前廊欲缝补降落伞的Emily Brent交谈。自动给她绸布。再给她缝纫针。她还需要粗线。Exit the kitchen door to go outside to the garden. Go to the woodshed and talk to Blore and Lombard. Talk to Emily Brent at front porch about sewing the parachute. Automatically give her the silk sheets. Give her the needles from Roger's room. She needs strong thread.

  在门前台阶与Blore和Lombard第三次交谈。Talk to Blore and Lombard for the third time at front steps to end the sequence.

  The General stayed in Devon:将军死在海滩上
  Dinner - Learn that General Mackenzie is dead. He stayed in Devon

  Chapter 4

  Seven Little Sailor Boys chopping up sticks,
  One chopped himself in halves and then there were six

  Dinner餐厅 – 聆听交谈。与每个人对话包括在厨房的Rogers。聆听Wargrave法官的总结Listen to conversation. Talk to everybody including Rogers in kitchen. Listen to Judge Wargrave's summation.

  Another set of interrogations:

  在会客厅与Emily Brent交谈。给她苹果汁再与她谈Vera。与医生在他卧室交谈。给他一杯蜂蜜。与他再次交谈关于法官的事。Talk to Emily Brent in parlor. Give Emily Brent apple juice to sweeten her up and talk to her again about Vera. Talk to Dr. Armstrong in his bedroom. Then give him the honey in glass for his sweet tooth. Talk to him again and learn about the Judge.

  与法官在将军卧室交谈。将烟斗盏和烟斗柄组合成烟斗给法官。与交谈关于Marston的事。在Rogers房间和Blore交谈。在餐厅前和Rogers交谈Talk to Judge Wargrave in General Mackenzie's room. In inventory combine the pipe bowl and pipe stem to get a pipe. Give pipe to the Judge. Talk to him again and learn more about Marston. Talk to Blore in Roger's bathroom. Talk to Rogers by dining room door.

  Screening room放映室 – 现在去开锁的放映室与Vera和Lombard交谈。Go to the now opened screening room and talk to Vera and Lombard.

  又一夜过去,在Vera卧室与她交谈并会出现两位男士来保护她Another night passes, talk to Vera in her bedroom and have 2 knights arrive to protect the lady.

  Rogers is chopped:Rogers被砍死

  讨论后,和Blore到外面。下楼梯遇见Emily Brent散步归来。去木棚发现Rogers。After the discussion, be outside with Blore. Go down the steps and meet Emily Brent coming back from her walk. Go to the woodshed and find Rogers.

  Chapter 5

  Six Little Sailor Boys playing with a hive,
  A bumblebee stung one and then there were five

  早餐讨论后,需要进一步找寻线索After the discussion at breakfast, time to thoroughly search for clues.

  Search for more clues:

  尝试与医生在他卧室交谈。在游戏室与法官交谈。Try to talk to Dr. Armstrong in his bedroom. Talk to the Judge at the game room.

  Screening Room放映室 – 查看两幅海报Look at all the posters of Gabrielle Steele.

  Projector投影仪 – 查看投影仪并打开抽屉。从第二层取走两卷帝国工作室的胶片盒,从第三层取走未命名的胶卷和投影仪手柄。第一层锁住了。Go to the projector and open the drawers. Take the 2 Empire Studios film canisters from second drawer. Take the untitled reel and projector bulb from third drawer. The top drawer is locked.

  将投影仪手柄装到面板上并打开开关看鱼雷爆炸画面。Place the projector bulb on the panel beside the flip switch of the projector. Flip the switch to watch a torpedo that was fired.

  用未命名的胶卷替换后,观看一段家庭录影。Replace the reel on the projector with the untitled reel and watch a home movie of some sort.

  在工具栏把两卷胶片分解后得到最后声明影片和空气卡片。阅读卡片。分解另一卷得到手写笔记和女皇侍女电影。阅读卡片。In inventory, disassemble (click item on gear icon) one of the Empire Studios film canister to get a Last of the Borgias film and the Air card. Read the Air card - Taking the Air: A breath of fresh air is rare when buried in windowless rooms and scarcer elsewhere. Disassemble the other film canister to see a handwritten note and the Queen's Handmaiden film by Gabrielle Steele. Read Gabrielle's note.

  试图观看Steele电影,它们将会从工具栏中消失。Try to watch the Steele movies by placing them on the reel and Narracott refuses. They will be gone from inventory.

  Dr. Armstrong医生 – 从前门外出并偷听到医生和Emily的对话。回到大厦窥探医生。从钥匙孔里看到好医生正在吸毒。Go outside through the front door and eavesdrop on Dr. Armstrong and Emily Brent. Talk to Emily Brent. Go back inside mansion and check on Dr. Armstrong. Look through the keyhole and see the good doctor take a freshener.

  Shiprock PointShiprock处 – 从大厦下台阶前行直到灯光处。在悬崖边左转,然后右转两次到达Shiprock处。看到Vera和Lombard。与Vera交谈Go down the steps from the mansion and go forward until the lights. Take a left at the path by the cliff's edge and forward to Shiprock Point. Take the right path twice to get up Shiprock Point. See Vera and Lombard. Talk to Vera.

  Protected cove防空洞 – 从Shiprock处,在十字路口向上,经过蜂房和果园。直走到分岔口走右下角路直到看到饥饿的山羊。在堵住路口的刺丛上倒上苹果酒引山羊来吃掉。From Shiprock Point, take the path going up on the crossroad, pass the apiary and the orchard. Go forward and take the path at lower right and see the hungry goats. The path forward is blocked by thorny thicket. Pour the apple cider on the thorny thicket and the goats will eat them.

  直走到达海滩。取走岩石右边的渔绳。查看海平面并发现闪烁的红光。使用望远镜发现救生圈上的归航信标。用Marston的破译信息。Go forward towards the beach. Take the fishing line at right by the rocks. Look at the horizon and see a blinking red light. Use the telescope on the horizon and see a homing beacon on a buoy. Ah, remember Marston's decoded message.

  Wood shed木棚 – 与Blore交谈Go to the wood shed off the mansion's kitchen or garden. Talk to Blore.

  Get off the island:

  把渔绳给Emily Brent。After the vocal determination to get off the island, go back to the mansion and give the fishing line and needles to Emily Brent at the front porch.

  到大厦书房会看到Vera,在密室使用短波收音机Enter the mansion, go to the study (see Vera) and to the shortwave radio in the secret room.

  Shortwave radio短波收音机(非破关必需步骤): (not necessary for completion of game)

  插入电子管,调到短波波段,拆开台灯为没有灯光的台灯。把台灯装在收音机上,打开听渔夫的对话。用麦克风求救。是Owen在回答!取走所有电子管,到会客厅的收音机旁。Insert vacuum tubes 80-7H and 305GT in panel on the left. Close panel.

  Click the microphone on shortwave radio.
  Disassemble the desk lamp to get desk lamp without bulb.
  Click the desk lamp on shortwave radio. (Thanks, raven07)
  Click on shortwave radio and listen to fisherman talking.
  Use the microphone to make a distress call. What was that? Owen!

  Take all the vacuum tubes from the shortwave radio. Go to the radio by the parlor where Dr. Armstrong and Judge Wargrave are talking by the fire.

  Radio收音机(非破关必需步骤): (not necessary for completion of game)

  插入三个电子管。组合钳子和水果篮得到铜线。将铜线插在收音机后。打开收音机,一些轻柔的音乐会缓解Vera的紧张。Insert all 3 vacuum tubes in panel on the left. Close panel.

  Combine the copper basket and the pliers to get copper wire.
  Place copper wire at back of radio.
  Turn the radio on. Some light music might help soothe Vera's nerve.

  到了制作降落伞的时间。询问Emily并得到降落伞。Time to make that parachute. Go back to Emily Brent and ask if the parachute is done after having given her the needles and fishing line. Automatically get the parachute.


  在工具栏将缝好的绸布和渔网、金属三脚架和山羊皮绳组合成降落伞In inventory, combine sewn silk sheets, fishing net from ruined village, metal tripod of the telescope and the goat harness to make a parachute.

  到Shiprock处将降落伞点击在海平面上,归航灯塔进入工具栏。Go to Shiprock Point and click the parachute on the horizon. Waaaahhhh!!!

  The homing beacon is now in inventory.
  Emily Brent is stung:Emily Brent被蜂蛰

  Lombard喊叫说听见Emily Brent在蜂房尖叫。去蜂房,见到Lombard和医生已经在那儿。Lombard yells that Emily Brent is heard screaming from the apiary. Go to the apiary via the path by the study door and forward until the hole on the rock wall on the left. Enter the hole on the rock wall and go forward until the apiary. Lombard and Dr. Armstrong are there.

  Chapter 6

  Five Little Sailor Boys going for law,
  One got in the Chancery and then there were four

  Missing gun:丢失的手枪

  听法官讲话。当Lombard和Blore离开去拿枪时,和Vera及法官交谈。与长椅上的医生交谈。Listen to Judge Wargrave. After Lombard and Blore leave to get Lombard's gun, talk to Vera and then talk to the Judge. Talk to the doctor seated on the couch.

  到Lombard房间发现枪丢了。搜身。Go up to Lombard's room and see that the gun is missing from a forced drawer. The body search is done on the 3 characters.

  从阳台门离开,右转在鹰角与Vera交谈。Exit through the balcony door, go right and talk to Vera by the hawk statue at the balcony corner.

  下楼到游戏室偷听到法官和医生交谈的一部分对话。Go down to the game room and overhear part of the conversation between Judge Wargrave and Dr. Armstrong - A dangerous game, if it fails...


  Narracott盘子的背面被下了毒,他中毒了。解毒剂是Bellman通用搽剂里的松节油。涂完后起了皮疹Solidamide is written on the back of Narracott's plate. Narracott is poisoned. The antidote is turpentine oil found in Bellman's Universal Embrocation. The Embrocation causes nasty rash when over applied.

  Lights out for the Judge:

  电力停了Vera离开去取她的披肩,一会儿她尖叫起来。去她房间。Narracott被击中滚下楼梯。到餐厅发现法官被枪杀。The power goes out and Vera leaves to get her wrap. Later, Vera screams. Go upstairs to her room. Narracott is hit and falls down the stairs. Go to the dining room and a see the Judge shot.

  Generator发电机 – 去木棚。将煤气罐用于发电机并启动发电机。Go to the wood shed. Use gas can on generator. Click on switch on the square panel at right to get the generator going.

  Antidote解毒剂 – 去蜂房,从蜂房前弯路左侧草丛中取得解毒剂瓶。用于Narracott。I'm not feeling so well. I should do something about it. Go to the apiary and take the bottle of embrocation on the grass left of the path before the curve to the apiary. Click the bottle on Narracott.

  Chapter 7

  Four Little Sailor Boys going out to sea
  A red herring swallowed one and then there were three

  聆听讨论。与每人交谈,得知Blore知道小岛历史及Lombard对唱片声音的了解。法官戴着假发。每个人都躲到各自的卧室里。Listen to the discussion. Talk to all and learn what Blore knows about the history of the island and Lombard's knowledge of the voice in the recording. The judge was wearing a wig. Watch the other characters hiding in their bedroom.

  Who was that?

  一个黑影爬过大厦。Blore前去调查。此时调查卧室里的其它人。法官的尸体从他房间里消失了。只有Vera在她房间里。到屋外搜寻。回来后再次检查卧室。Lombard回到他卧室了。继续检查并查看Vera。Vera说Lombard外出点燃篝火去了。A shadow crept out of the mansion. Blore went to investigate. Time to check the others in their bedroom. Judge Wargrave's body is missing from his bedroom. Only Vera is in her room. Go outside and search. Come back and check the bedrooms again. Lombard is back in his bedroom. Look around some more and check on Vera. Vera said that Lombard went to start a bonfire.

  Dr. Armstrong is swallowed by a red herring:医生吞下熏青鲱鱼

  去Shiprock处发现篝火。查看四周回到大厦。在Vera卧室与Blore、Lombard和Vera交谈。医生失踪了。Lombard说只剩三个水手雕像了。Go to Shiprock Point and see a bonfire. Look around some more and go back to mansion. Talk to Blore, Lombard and Vera by Vera's bedroom door. Dr. Armstrong is missing. Lombard states that only 3 sailor boys are left.

  Chapter 8

  Three Little Sailor Boys walking in the zoo,
  A big bear hugged one and there were two

  医生和法官的尸体仍然失踪。Lombard去燃篝火,Blore在他卧室手握斧头,Vera在她卧室手握手枪。Dr. Armstrong and Judge Wargrave's body are still missing. Lombard will man the bonfire and Blore will stay in his room with an axe. Vera will also stay in her room with the gun.

  Blore is hugged by a bear:Blore被熊拥抱

  去放映室发现法官的尸体。刚刚死去尚有体温但是没有枪击痕迹。Go to the screening room and find Judge Wargrave's body. Dead and warm but not shot.

  走出书房门发现Blore尸体。他的头骨被熊形大理石砸坏。取走大理石雕。Go outside the study door and see Blore dead. His head was bashed in by a marble shaped like a bear. Talk to Vera. Take marble.

  出门检查Shiprock处的篝火。回到海滩隐藏处发现医生尸体被冲上浅滩,已经在水里浸泡了一段时间了。Go outside and check the bonfire at Shiprock Point. Go back to the beach below Shiprock Point and then to right at the cove beside the beach. Find Dr. Armstrong's body that has been washed ashore. It has been in the water for quite a while.

  Chapter 9

  Two Little Sailor Boys sitting in the sun,
  One got frizzled up and then there was one

  Vera把自己锁在卧室里重复第九章童谣。Vera locked in her bedroom repeated the last rhyme about needing the sun to frizzle up the next victim.


  1.在大厦四处查看,查看卧室,查看外面(蜂房、果园)去消磨时间,然后去Shiprock处发现Lombard死于篝火爆炸SAVE GAME HERE. Here is where you can get 2 choices:

  1. Look around the mansion - check the bedrooms. Check outside (apiary, orchard) to waste time and then go to Shiprock Point and find Lombard dead when the bonfire exploded.

  2.立即去Shiprock处与Lombard交谈。在篝火爆炸前挽救他。Lombard的真实身份是Charles Morley。2. Go immediately to Shiprock Point and talk to Lombard. Save Lombard before the bonfire explodes. Lombard is really Charles Morley.

  Chapter 10

  One Little Sailor Boy left all alone
  He went and hanged himself and then there were none

  听到楼上传来的声音。保存游戏。爬上楼梯发现绞索。Hear voice - voices coming from upstairs. SAVE GAME HERE. Climb upstairs and see a hangman's noose.

  观看并聆听Vera与那个Owen的对话。Watch and listen to Vera and the elusive 'Unknown - Owen'.

  再次有两个选项:Again, here is where you can do 2 choices:


  1. Go to the bathroom door at end of the talk and Vera is shot.


  2. Save Vera by getting the marble from inventory and clicking it on the hand of 'Unknown - Owen'.

  Different Endings are seen depending on who is saved and who died:
  Narracott, Lombard and Vera are saved.
  Narracott and Morley (Lombard) are saved.
  Narracott and Vera are saved.
  Narracott alone is saved.
  Original Ending by Dame Agatha Christie

  聆听唱片。到餐厅拿取最后一个水手雕像。Listen to the record. Go to the dining room and take the last little sailor boy.

  去放映室,将最后一个水手放在投影仪阁子的右下角,打开上锁的抽屉,取出电影胶片,将幕布放下,打开开关放映影片。Go to the screening room. Place the last sailor boy on the small footprint at bottom right corner of the cabinet holding the projector. Open the formerly locked top drawer. Take the Hello Again film. Place it on the reel. Lower the screen if it is up. (Thanks, Susie.) Click the switch and watch the original ending.

  And Then There Were None
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