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游戏 - 家用机游戏 - PS2 - PS2攻略 - 浏览游戏
发布日期:2013-1-28 10:19:00 作者: 出处: 浏览:412 人次 【


「Two millenniums ago, there was a war between the human world and the other, the Underworld.」(二千年前,一场战争发生在人类另一个世界—魔界之间。)

「But somebody from the Underworld woke up to justice and stood up against this legion, alone.」(但魔界里有一人为了正义而孤身对抗这军团。)

「His name was Sparda.」(他的名字是Sparda。)

「Later, he quietly reigned the human world and continued preserve the harmony until his death.」(後来,在他保护「reigned指统治」下,人类得以过和平的生活,这生活直至他死亡後都未曾改变。)

「He became a legend. The legendary dark knight, Sparda.」


画面中,圆月高挂,一名金发美女从上面跳下来,落到地上时,她的目光投向了一间店铺上,店铺名叫「Devil May Cry」。

「Devil May Cry」店内:


「Devil May Cry, ...sorry we closed this night.」
(Devil May Cry, ...抱歉我们今晚关门。) 店内老板说罢把听筒放回电话上。

老板接着道:「Again, no password. I can't seem to get any real business.」


「Whoa, slow down babe!」(哇,慢慢来,小姐!) 店内老板举起手道。

「Well well, what do we have here? Nature's call? It's in the back.」(嗳嗳,看看是谁来了?来借厕所吗?在里面。)

金发美女道:「So...you must be the handyman who will take any dirty job? Am I correct?」(看来...你就是那受雇去做清洁工作的人?我说得对吗?)

「Almost. I only take special jobs. If you know what I mean.」(差不多吧。但我只接特别的工作。如你知我甚麽意思的话。) 老板说着走到墙边并拿起一把古剑。

金发美女道:「You're the man who lost a mother and brother to evil twenty years ago. The son of the legendary dark knight, Sparda. Mr Dante.」(二十年前恶魔使你失去母亲及兄弟。你就是传说的魔剑士Sparda的儿子。Dante先生。)

「Well the way I figure it, in this business a lot of your kind comes around, and if I kill each one that comes, eventually I should hit the "Jackpot" sooner or later.」(看来我估计得没错,不断接这种工作的话,我早晚也会知道有关我杀母仇人的情报。) Dante说着把剑指向金发美女。

「In that case, you should be used to this sort of thing.」(这样的话,这种事你应该遇过了吧。) 金发美女说罢把手中电流贯进Dante的古剑内,电流令Dante整个人往後飞撞到桌子上。金发美女把古剑反转并把它掷向Dante,使剑贯穿Dante的胸口并继续把电流输进剑内。

「Are you really the son of the legendary dark knight , Sparda? Didn't you daddy teach you how to use a sword?」(你真的是传说的魔剑士Sparda的儿子吗?你爸爸没教你怎样用剑吗?) 金发美女说罢便举起电单车抛向Dante。

「A sword?」(剑?)Dante把双枪抽出。

「Time to go to work guys.」(够钟工作了朋友)Dante以双枪把飞过来的电单车射停,并打回向金发美女,幸好给她避过,但电单车已爆炸。

「Even as a child, I had powers. There's a demonic blood in me...」(我还是孩子的时候已经有这种力量。我身上也流着恶魔之血...)Dante说着把剑从身上抽出并把它插在地上。

「What strength...」(这力量...) 跌倒在地上的金发美女不禁惊叹道。

「You're the first one to know about my vengeance. It looks like I'm getting closer.」(你是第一个知道我要仇恨的人。看来我又更接近我的仇家了。)Dante说着把枪指向金发美女。

「It seems that way.」(你说得对。) 金发美女边说边站起来。

「But I'm not your enemy. My name is Trish. I came to seek for your help...to put an end to the Underworld.」(但我不是你的敌人。我的名字叫Trish. 我来是为寻求你的帮忙...去消灭魔界。) 说罢Trish摘下墨镜,她的样貌竟与Dante相架上的女仕一模一样。



Trish:「20 years ago, Mundus, the emperor of the Underworld resurrected.」


Trish:「Yes. His power were sealed by Sparda. He's attempting to gain control over the human world once again. He's been preparing to open the gate on...Mallet Island.」(对。他的力量曾被Sparda封印着。他企图再次夺回人间的控制权。他准备在一岛上开启魔界之门...Mallet Island。)

二人来到Mallet Island的入口,Dante以古剑轻松的把门破开。

Trish:「The castle is above this cliff. Come on, let's go.」(城堡就在这山崖的上方,来吧,起程了。) 说罢Trish轻轻一跃便跳上山崖上,似乎她亦不是普通人。

Mission 2


Mission 3


Phantom:「Another small one. I sensed something a little bigger. What a disappointing catch.」(又是一个小东西。我感觉到的应该是更大的才对。真是令人失望的猎物。)

「What a BIG surprise. I hope for your sake you got something inside that big body of yours.」(还真是个大惊喜呢。希望你这巨大的身体里面会带给我一点利益。)Dante边说边敲着Phantom的身躯。

「You puny pathetic thing...! I'll step on you like an ant!」(你这微不足道的东西!我要把你像蚂蚁般踏扁!)Phantom被Dante这麽一激,使它的眼睛由蓝色转为愤怒的红色。)


Mission 4

Dante来到一房间内,房内的大镜中映照出Dante的倒影,但就在Dante不为意时,镜中的倒影竟回过头来望向Dante!Dante此时亦察觉到异样而望向镜子,镜子中的Dante缓缓的走出镜中,随之变成一名黑骑士—Nero Angelo。

Dante:「This stinkin' hole was the last place I thought I'd find anyone with some guts.」(在这种鬼地方竟可让我遇到这麽有种的家伙。)

Nero Angelo啪了一下手指,大门应声打开,他亦示意Dante出外面决斗。

经过一轮战斗後,Nero Angelo渐渐处於下风,Dante拔出Alastor正准备攻击之际,Alastor被Nero Angelo给踢开,Dante亦被他给压在墙上,此时Dante的项链跌了出来,令Nero Angelo有一丝回忆。随之而来头痛亦使他无心恋战。

Mission 5-7


Mission 8


Phantom:「Recess time is over boy! Here there's plenty of room to get real nasty. This time there's no holding back.」(休息时间已经过了,小子!这里能充分地发挥我的实力。我不会再对你手下留情了。)

Dante:「Finally, I was getting tired of playing your childish games.」(终於,这种幼稚的游戏我也玩厌了。)


Phantom:「You... you're not just any ordinary human. What are you?」(你...你不只是普通的人类那麽简单。你是甚麽人?)


Phantom:「No...the legendary Sparda...!? It can't be.」(不...传说的Sparda...!? 不可能的。)

Dante:「You're right. But I am his son, Dante. Sweet dreams.」(你说得对。但我是他的儿子,Dante。做个好梦吧。)



Trish:「Defeated the Phantom...incredible power...」(竟打败了Phantom...难以置信的力量...)

Mission 9



Griffon:「You! Are you the human, the so not Sparda who challenges the Darkness Mundus?」(你!就是那人类,妄想挑战Mundus那个不知所谓的Sparda?)

Dante:「Flock off, feather face! Or you can stick aroun
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