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游戏 - 家用机游戏 - PS2 - PS2维修 - 浏览游戏
发布日期:2013/2/2 10:05:04 作者: 出处: 浏览:63571 人次 【


Playstation2 Identification

How do I know which Playstation2 model# I have?
On the back side of your Playstation2 you find a number beginning with "SCPH-", the following number is the model number!


SCPH-75001 (for North America)
The mainboard is a bit different from last SCPH-70011/70012/70001 versions.
Mainboard: GH-037-01

SCPH-75004 (for Europe)


SCPH-70001 (for North America)
The Warranty Sticker location has moved from the back and is now located directly over one of the (6) screws on the v13 underside.
Another major change includes the removal of the Phone Line from the back of the v13 console, however, the Network Line is still present.
There is also a small layout change around the Motor Driver IC of the PSTwo mainboard (now GH-032-XX).
SCPH-70004 (for Europe)
Mainboard is GH-032-13


The new mini PS TWO SCPH-7000x
SCPH-70012 CB (for United States)
SCPH-70011 CB (for North America)
SCPH-70002 CB (for Oceania)
SCPH-70003 CB (for UK)
SCPH-70004 CB (for Europe)
SCPH-70000 CB (for Japan)


Only released in Europe.
The model # is SCPH-50004 with a GH-027 or GH-029 board.
Same board as V10 but console comes with a new laser unit.


If have a USA/CANADA SCPH-50001 AND if you can find DATE CODE 3D as shown below, you have a V10 PS2 main board (GH-026 board).
SCPH 50001 / 50010 Date Code 3D is a V10.

SCPH-50001 date code 4C is also a v10

If have a PAL (EUROPE/AUSTRALIA) SCPH-50002/3/4 AND if you can find "a" as shown below, you have a V10 PS2 main board (GH-026 board).

You can also check if your PS2 is a V9 or a V10 version start up your PS2 with no game in it, press triangle and check DVD driver version.
3.00 = V9
3.02 = V10


If your model # is SCPH-50000, 50001, 50010, 50002, 50003 or 50004 you have a V9 PS2 main board (GH-023 board).
SCPH 50001 / 50010 date code 3a-3b-3c is a V9.
SCPH-55006/55007 GT ( white console ) is also a V9.


Only released in the japanese market. The model # can be SCPH-39000 or SCPH-39006 (GH-022 BIOS 090).


If your model# is SCPH-39000, 39001, 39002, 39003, 39004 or 37000 you have a V7 PS2 main board.

Please check below if you have a V5/V6 PS2 main board.
The model numbers can be SCPH-30000R, SCPH-30001 R, SCPH-30002 R, SCPH-30003 R, SCPH-30004 R, SCPH-30006 R
But also some SCPH-30000, SCPH-30001, SCPH-30002, SCPH-30003 and SCPH-30004 PS2 have a V5/V6 main board.
The model shown below is used for reference only.

Make sure to double check that the screw shown below is actually in your system.
Simply take out the expansion slot cover,turn round your PS2 and check to see if the screw shown below is in your console, if it is, you have a V5/V6 console.
If you dont have the screw in the expansion slot you have an older V1-V4 PS2 board or a V7 board.


Please check below if you have a V4 PS2 main board.
The model # can be SCPH-30000, SCPH-30001, 35001, SCPH-30002, 35002, SCPH-30003, 35003, SCPH-30004, 35004
If the marked screw doesn't show up in the expansion bay of your PS2 then please take a look on the bottom of the PS2 case. If there is an electrical hazard warning on the bottom of the case then it is a V4.


Please check below if you have a V1/V2/V3 PS2 main board.
Turn the playstation upside-down and check how many screws th

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[PS2维修] ·Modbo3.0全部改机图纸+PS2主板型号识别方法 2013-02-02
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