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游戏 - 家用机游戏 - PC - PC游戏攻略 - 浏览游戏
发布日期:2013-2-21 15:07:47 作者: 出处: 浏览:424 人次 【

Construction Options
  Road(道路):Buildings and docks must be connected to the road network. (所有建筑物和码头都必须有道路连接。)
  Construction Tent(建筑师帐篷):These are needed to construct all buildings except flimsy timber and chuck tents.(所有建筑物都需要它才能被建造,除了伐木场和简易的饭馆。?)
  Chuck Tent(简易的饭馆):Captives come here to eat slop cooked from corn.(俘虏们在这里吃些玉米做的粗食。)
  Pirate Housing Plot(海盗们的居室规划):Pirates will build their own houses once there are plots. (海盗们会在你为他们划分的这些区域里安居。)
  Bunkhouse(简陋的小屋):Working captives may rest here. (有活干的俘虏们可以在这里休息。)
  Black Market(黑市):The market provides a pricey but reliable way to equip your ships.(一个高价但是可靠的装备你的战舰的方法。)
  Pirate Cave(财宝收藏地?):You stash your secret hoard here. (秘密财宝收藏在此。)
  Smugger′s Cove(走私犯的窝?):This sells surplus weapons,rum,beer,pastries and cigars,if traders are employed.(如果交易者被雇用,他们会提供多余的武器,朗姆酒,啤酒,糕点和雪茄。)
  Corn Farm(玉米田):Corn makes slop for captives,plus beer and sea rations for pirates. (玉米用来作粗食,还可以制作啤酒和航海食品。)
  Sugarcane Farm(甘蔗田):Sugarcane is needed to make rum. (甘蔗是制造朗姆酒的必须品。)
  Tobacco Farm(烟草田):Tobacco can be made into cigars,which pirates enjoy when relaxing.(海盗们休息时需要雪茄,所以你需要烟草。)
  Banana Farm(香蕉树林):Bananas make very tasty pastries at the bakery,or eat them raw.(香蕉可以在糕饼店被制成美味的糕点,或者干脆就这么吃。)
  Papaya Farm(木瓜树林):Papayas make very tasty pastries at the bakery,or eat them raw.(木瓜可以在糕饼店被制成美味的糕点,或者干脆就这么吃。)
  Iron Mine(铁矿):Iron ore is needed for pirate cutlasses,muskets and cannons.(铁矿石是制造海盗弯刀,步枪和大炮的必须原料。)
  Sawmill(锯木厂):Wood becomes lumber and is stored here.Lumber is essential for buildings and ships.(树木变成木材在这里储存,木材是制造建筑物和船只的必须品。)
  Blast Furnace(鼓风炉): Use iron ore from the mines to make pig iron for you weapons.(铁矿石在这里变成生铁,可以用来制造武器。)
  Blacksmithy(铁匠房):Pig iron is made into cultasses here. (生铁在这里被制成弯刀。)
  Gunsmithy(军械车间):This building makes muskets from pig iron. (生铁在这里被制成步枪)
  Cannon Foundry(大炮制造厂):Cannons are made here from pig iron and wood. (生铁和木头在这里被制成大炮。)
  Brewery(酿酒厂):Bring corn here to brew beer for the entertainment establishments! (玉米在这里发酵成啤酒,供应给娱乐部门。)
  Rum Distillery(朗姆酒蒸馏间):Rum is made from sugarcane here! (甘蔗在这里被制成朗姆酒。)
  Bakery(糕饼店店):Here papayas and bananas are used to make the tasty fruit tarts pirates demand.(木瓜和香蕉在这里被做成美味的馅饼,以满足海盗们的需要。)
  Cigar Factory(雪茄工厂):Workers at this building roll tobacco into cigars.(工人们在这里把烟草制成雪茄。)
  Smuggler′s Dive(走私犯的下等酒吧):Bananas,papayas and beer are served here to pirates who aren′t picky.( 香蕉,木瓜和啤酒在这里被供应给那些低等级的海盗们。)
  Animal Pit(斗兽场):The lowbrows find this is a great place to gamble.(对于小混混们来说这里显然是一个赌钱的好去处。)
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[PC游戏攻略] ·海岛大亨22013-02-21
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