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游戏 - 家用机游戏 - PC - PC游戏攻略 - 浏览游戏
发布日期:2013-3-15 7:06:28 作者: 出处: 浏览:264 人次 【


Car Reflection Update Rate: Use the plus and minus at either end of

the bar to increase or decrease how quickly reflections visible on the

car update. ( 车子表面反光速度)

Car Reflection Detail: Setting this to High increases the detail of

reflections visible on the car.(车子表面反光清晰度)

Car Geometry Detail: Setting this to High increases geometry details

on the car.(车子细节清晰度)

World Environment Map: Turn on or off world environment mapping.(环境效果开/关)

Car Shadow: Moving this slider to the right increases car shadows. By

moving the slider to the left, the amount of car shadows are decreased

which may improve system performance.(车子的倒影,降低有助于提高运行速度)

Car Headlight: Turn on or off headlights.(车子的前灯开/关)

Crowds: Turn on or off animated crowd characters.(观众)

Road Reflection Detail: Use the plus and minus at either end of the

bar to increase or decrease reflections visible in the road.(路面对光的反射,建议关掉一个,但是不要都关掉,要不然灯光会感觉明显的刺眼)

World Detail: Moving this slider to the right lets you to increase the

amount of detail visible in world geometry. Decreasing world geometry

detail (by moving the slider to the left) may increase system


Light Trails: Turn on or off light trails created as you drive by

lights in the world.(灯光的痕迹,这是一个很cool的效果^_^)

Light Glow: Turn on or off the glow on light sources.(发光点?不知道什么东西)

Animated Texture: Turn on or off texture animations.( 动态材质 就是某些建筑上的贴图是动画效果)

Particle System: Turn on or off particle effects.(粒子系统 比如烟雾的生成)

Motion Blur: Turn on or off motion blur.(动作的模糊效果)

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[PC游戏攻略] ·《极品7:地下狂飙》中英菜单对照2013-03-15
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