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发布日期:2013-3-18 8:34:36 作者: 出处: 浏览:407 人次 【

  Agatha Christie

  And Then There Were None

  by AWE Games

  Walkthrough by MaGtRo October 2005 version 1.02

  Gameplay: This point and click game comes in 2 CDs. After installation the game can be played with no CD on the CD drive. The Main Menu has New Game, Load Game, Options, Credits and Exit. The Options Menu has music, effects, brightness, captions, shadows, animated water, fog, rain-lightning and anti-aliasing settings selections. The In-Game Menu has resume, save, load, options and main menu selections. To save at the save game screen, select an empty frame to save a new game or click on a picture to overwrite that saved game. The saved game can be titled by typing in a name left of the saved frame. The cursors are self-explanatory by the icons seen. The ESC key accesses the in-game menu.

  Right click of mouse or click on the sack at top left of screen will access the inventory. Right click again will close the inventory frame. The inventory is made up of 5 screens that can be scrolled using the top arrows on the frame. To look close at an item, click on the item and bring the item over the magnifying glass at the bottom of the inventory frame. The gear button right of the magnifying glass combines items by placing the items on the row above the gears and then do a click on the gear icon. Combined items can also be disassembled by doing the same procedure or click the item directly on the gear icon.

  To the top right of the screen is the journal icon. The journal has general information, guests, documents and books. Documents or books taken in inventory are entered in the journal by clicking the documents or books on the magnifying lens icon. The pertinent information is summarized in the journal.

  The ESC key skips the intro and cutscenes. Double click makes Narracott runs.


  Judge Lawrence Judge Wargrave Lawrence Wargrave法官与一对母子坐在私人车厢里is seen with a mother and child in a private car. Vera Claythorne Vera Claythorne 与Phillip Lombard相对而坐。is sitting across Phillip Lombard. General John Mackenzie John Mackenzie将军从梦中醒来,梦见了他的妻子Leslie。wakes up from a dream about his wife, Leslie. 他对面坐着的是Emily Brent小姐。Across him is Miss Emily Brent. Anthony Marston passes Dr. Edward Armstrong's car and stops to take a packet from a man at a side of the road. Anthony Marston超过Edward医生的车并停在路边向一人拿走一个小包裹。Back at the train, William Blore reads his checklist.回到火车上,William Blore在读他的清单 At the dock, Davis the harbormaster greets the guests after the arrival of Marston. 在码头上,码头管理员Davis在Marston抵达之后向众宾客问好 Blore recognizes Patrick Narracott.Blore认出了Patrick Narracott。 Thomas Rogers and his wife Ethel await the guests arriving on the boat.Thomas Rogers及妻子在恭候众宾客上船。

  Note: This game is non-linear and most side puzzles can be done anytime as long as the items necessary have been acquired. This walkthrough shows only one way of gameplay and the triggers to move to the next chapter.

  Chapter 1

  Ten Little Sailor Boys went out to dine,

  One choked his self and then there were nine.

  Read the journal by clicking the top right journal icon.

  First Night - Familiarize with the mansion:


  Rogers thanks Narracott for the help. 尝试走向左方小径但这尝试必须以后才能实行Try to take the left path but the investigation will have to wait. 回到码头点击小船,发现小船被凿沉。 Go back down to the pier and click on the boat. See that the boat was scuttled.

  Southside cliff path悬崖南侧小径 – 回头转到台阶左侧的小径遇到Marston,与之交谈并注意他手里拿着的东西。再回去公寓与Roger交谈。Go back up, turn left on the path after the steps and meet Marston. Talk with Marston and note what he is holding. Turn back to go back to the mansion and talk to Rogers.

  Kitchen厨房 - Enter the mansion and follow Rogers to the kitchen. Enter the dining room and then through the kitchen door. Hear an argument between Rogers and Ethel Rogers. Talk to Rogers. Look close at the press right of Rogers.看roger右边的东西 Exit through the door right of the refrigerator.从冰箱右边的门离开

  Rogers' roomroger的房间 - Enter the door in the hallway. 进入走廊上的门Take the letter for Rogers, the sewing needles and Roger's letter of invitation. 拿走roger的信,缝纽用的针、邀请信In inventory, 在仓库中把邀请信用放大模式观看并点击它至日志栏。take the letter of invitation and click it on the magnifying lens to enter it on the journal. 同样处理Roger的信。Do the same for the letter to Rogers. 在日志栏阅读来自U.N.Owen的信。Read the letters from U. N. Owen in the journal. 检查浴室You can check the bathroom also. Exit and take the service stairs.离开并走向佣人楼梯。


  This map is for location reference only and is not to scale.

  Linen closet 亚麻壁橱- 与Rogers太太交谈,捡起绸布。离开佣人房检查二楼的房间。注意所有的时钟都不走了Talk to Mrs. Rogers. Help Mrs. Rogers with the silk sheets. Exit the service room and check the rooms around the second floor. Note that all the clocks in all the rooms do not work.

  Dr. Armstrong's roomArmstrong医生房间 – 佣人门左转进入盥洗室左侧的房间。拿走Armstrong医生的邀请信,放大阅读使之记入日志。查看梳妆台上医生的手提包。Turn left from the service door and enter the room left of the bathroom. Take Dr. Armstrong's letter of invitation. Click it on the magnifying lens to enter it in the journal. Look inside the doctor's bag on the dresser.

  Blore's room Blore房间- 拿走邀请信并记入日志,试图拿走床头的日志但被Blore阻止。与之交谈,说明我是Patrick Faine并非Fred,正在调查Prucell受贿案,在Landor案后人们开始质疑,说Purcells就是通常所说的替罪羊。Take Blore's letter of invitation and enter it in the journal. Try to take the diary on the bedside table and get stopped by Blore. Talk to Blore. I'm Patrick Faine not Fred. You were taking the Purcell's bribes for years. After the Landor case people began to ask questions. The Purcells needed what the yank detective novels call a fall guy.

  Lombard's roomLombard房间 – 透过钥匙孔看到Lombard带了一把枪。敲门并与之交谈。Look through the keyhole and see Lombard with a gun. Knock on door and talk to Lombard.

  Vera Claythorne's room Vera Claythorne房间- 与之交谈。Talk to Vera.

  Emily Brent's room Emily Brent房间- 与之交谈。Talk to Emily Brent.

  General Mackenzie's roomMarckenzie将军房间 – 与将军交谈。下楼至游戏厅Talk to the General. Go downstairs to the game room.

  Game room游戏厅 – 聆听Wargrave法官与医生之间的对话。晚饭铃声响起。Listen to the conversation between Judge Wargrave and the doctor. Dinner bell is heard.

  Search the mansion:

  Kitchen厨房 –偷听餐厅里的谈话。拿走桌上的铜制水果栏 Eavesdrop through the dining room door and note the conversation. Take the copper fruit basket from the table.

  Pantry 餐具室-进右门到餐具室。拿走火鸡油、粗布里的干酪饼和铲子。用铲子取面粉。再用铲子取电池。从冰箱右侧门离开厨房走向佣人楼梯。Go to the pantry right of door to the outside. Take turkey baster, cheese wheel covered in cheesecloth and scoop. Use the scoop on flour sack to get flour. Use the scoop on flour sack again to get battery. Exit the kitchen using the door right of the refrigerator and climb the service stairs.

  Linen closet
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